Friday, November 16, 2007

Morning Inspiration

As evident in my recent Venting and Random Rambling post, I have been feeling overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities and generally struggling with my attitude lately.

But I have found a surprisingly adequate amount of inspiration in the past week or so by starting the day singing an old Sunday school song in my head. It's the one that's based on Psalm 118:24.

This is the day, This is the day,
That the Lord has made, That the Lord has made.

We will rejoice, We will rejoice,
And be glad in it, And be glad in it!
This is the day that the Lord has made,
We will rejoice and be glad in it!

This is the day, This is the day,
That the Lord has made.

As short and simple as that song is, it's a great reminder for me to give the day to God. It also helps me to pay more attention to all of the things that God has given me at the start of this day, such as my job (even if it's frustrating sometimes) and my health. And no matter how pessimistic or discouraged I feel at the beginning, God can still make it a great day.


Amanda Lomonaco said...

Thanks for the post, Mike. I, too, have been singing that song lately. Just yesterday morning, I think;-). Glad you taught it to me.

Anonymous said...

I love that song. I think I learned it at Oviedo Church of Christ eons ago.

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