Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Meeting Minutes of Michael's Mind

A couple of months ago, I was in a long drawn out meeting at work. Since my participation in this meeting was minimal, I started daydreaming about this question"What would an ideal life look like to me, within the bounds of reality?" I then started making a list, of goals that could actually be achievable, even if they would be unlikely and/or overwhelmingly difficult. So here is is:
  • Exercise 3-4 times/week consistently.
  • Aside from my regular job, make some additional $ on the side somehow (make an invention and/or start my own business of some sort, etc.)
  • Be able to afford having our house cleaned quarterly (take the stress of keeping up with it off of Amanda).
  • No (or very few) house or car repairs to have to deal with myself.
  • Enough $ to pay off debt sooner, and also do more fun things (with the family and on dates)
  • Be motivated to read and learn more stuff for work. I am considering an accountability partner and/or creating a discussion group for this.
  • Go on more dates with Amanda, preferably dressing up occasionally too.
  • Spend 15 minutes/day with God (reading Bible, praying, etc.)
  • For Amanda and me both to set aside 1 day/year spent with God (be alone with Him - just walking, thinking, praying, contemplating, listening, etc).
  • To set aside at least 1 full day and night per year for just Amanda and myself to spend together.
Now all I have to do is win the lottery and cut out sleep from my schedule:-) Seriously though, is this list achievable? If not any time soon, then even in my lifetime? And if not in its entirety, then which items should I scale back or just give up on?

Maybe this exercise is pointless, but then again maybe setting these goals could help motivate me more to find a way to achieve them.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

An Evening with the Whites

We met our good friends Tim and Tammy White when Lucas and their son Shane were just infants (see picture above). Well, unfortunately for us they moved to the East Coast (Maryland) about a year ago.

Since they were back in town this week for a visit though, they stopped by our house for dinner on Wednesday evening. It was really great to see them and catch up on each other's lives.

You can see how much the kids, and our families, have grown in the updated picture below. And Clara was sleeping, so she's not in it.

counter stats